/ Cooking

Hot Salmon Dynamite

Aloha! I was inspired to make the salmon dynamite when I was in Hawaii last month. It's like a mini sushi burrito stuffed with salmon, crab meat and savory spicy mayo sauce. If you have ever been to Hawaii you'll notice many 7-Eleven's. Typically when I think of 7-Eleven food, I think of unhealthy gas station food that you have to buy because there's nothing better to eat around. 7-Eleven food in Hawaii on the other hand have asian snacks and Hawaiian style dishes!

Ingredients (2 servings)
  • Salmon
  • Crabmeat
  • Avocado (Preferred) or Spinach
  • Rice
  • Seaweed
  • Oil
  • Seasoning (Salt, Pepper)
Prep & Directions
  1. Wash and slice the salmon into 1 inch pieces
  2. Season with salt and pepper
  3. Put the pan on medium heat and add a bit of oil
  4. When the pan is hot enough add the salmon. Cook until tender.
  5. While the salmon is cooking, add the spinach to the pan. Cook until tender.
    salmon and spinach
  6. Rip the crabmeat into stringy pieces and cook in the pan until hot.
  7. Rip the cooked salmon into small pieces.
    small salmon pieces
  8. Prep the bamboo roller by wrapping it in plastic. This is to prevent the roller from getting dirty.
  9. First place the seaweed onto the roller then spread the rice evenly on the seaweed. Make sure to put a thin layer of rice.
  10. Add the salmon layered with the crabmeat, make sure it takes up 1 inch of space. On the next level add the spinach.
    layer the ingredients
  11. Roll it up!
    roll it up
  12. Cut in half.
    cut in half
  13. Add spicy mayo if you like.
Bon Appetit

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