/ Cooking

A Sweet Side Without The BS

Growing up my mom was very strict when it came to eating junk food. There was never any candy in the house and if there was, we would only be allowed one piece. I remember times on my way home from school and I would stop by the grocery store to buy a 25 cent pack of chips or chocolate. I would stuff my face in it and then throw the wrapper in the trash can outside the house before heading into the house. Then a few days later when my mom took out the trash, she find out that I had eaten some junk food and scold at me. So I got smarter and hid the wrapper at the bottom of the trash bag.

Looking back at it now, I'm thankful for my mom's persistence when it came to junk food. I never had cavities. I never developed a sweet tooth. I have a healthily diet 90% of the time. In fact, I don't even like candy anymore unless it's dark chocolate.

If you crave something sweet, baked sweet potato fries if your best friend. It's healthy and has many benefits which I don't know about but I'm sure you know how to use the internet. Add a side of avocado and you'll start to wonder why candy even exist at all.

Ingredients (2 servings or 1 if you are selfish)
  • 1 Sweet Potato
  • 1 Avocado
  • Oil
  • Seasoning (Salt, Pepper)
Prep & Directions
  1. You should wash the sweet potato cause it's been in the dirt for a while
  2. Peel the sweet potato
  3. Cut into 1 cm slices.
    cut into slices
  4. Cut into 1 cm sticks
    cut into sticks
  5. Wash and drain for a few minutes. This is to get rid of the starch.
    wash ad drain
  6. Dry
  7. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with oil and mix.
  8. Plate them on a rack
    rack it
  9. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 400 degrees. Half way into baking, flip the sweet potato so it can get crispy all over.
  10. Smash up a full avocado for the spread
  11. Plate it and share
Bon Appetit

All good things come in moderation. Thanks Mom!